How To Detox Yourself From THC?

Legal status in the case of marijuana use had led to high consumption. Since many countries have legalized it, individuals do not shy away from it anymore. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the drug found in your urine after you ingest or smoke weed. THC is highly psychoactive, and because of this, many individuals can get problems. Being highly euphoric can cost much sometimes. If you are going for a drug test, it is better to detoxify yourself first. Why a drug test? Well, marijuana might be legal, but offices still want individuals who are intoxicated, and some have zero level of tolerance as well. Read this article, and you will have some facts in front of yourself regarding the same.
Why Should You Not Take A Drug Test If You Smoked Or Ingested Weed Recently?
It is not wise to take a drug test after ingestion or smoking marijuana. The simple reason is that traces of THC will be readily available. It can get worse if you are a job candidate; you can lose a fair job. Either do not engage in marijuana consumption or detox yourself before going for a test. There is a whole industry that will help you in getting our THC traces from your body. This article spreads the word that even if you are a light weed consumer, it is better to detox yourself than to be in denial. Staying off THC in the body has no timeframe as it depends on many factors to be discussed in the next section.
What Are The Factors That Affect THC Traces In the Body?
Factors affecting the traces of THC in the body:
- Your Body Mass
- The metabolic rate you have
- Consumption capacity you bear
- Level of THC consumed by you
- Chemical Balance in the body
- Your age
- Your biological gender
- The medications you are on
How will Detox help?
You have several detox options by your side, including pills, teas, detox kits, and doctors’ recommendations. If you are not in a hurry, you can visit a doctor for proper detoxification of your system. Well, in a hurry, these pills will also make things work. Detox products that are in liquid form are helpful if you are going to have a urine test on the go. Same as that, if you have a hair follicle drug test, you can use marijuana detox shampoos.
Naturally, marijuana will come out of your system, but there is not a certain timespan. Detox products work like a catalyst for the process of detoxification. It would help if you always went for the most reliable products for this.